Sunday 10 March 2013

all about them.

"To you, they're just a band. They just play music. They are a bunch of tattooed freaks. But to me, they are the reason that I still breathe. They are the only hope I have when everything has fallen apart. They are the bright light in the otherwise pitch dark. Their message, their music, their lyrics pick me out of my hopelessness. The fact they have accomplished their goals, that they have over come much of what I have to suffer through .. Well, that makes me believe in future. To you, it may be stupid to cry when you see them live or when you meet them for the first time. But for me, it's like coming face to face with the hero that saved my life. Go ahead and look at me as an obsessed, crazed fan. Tell me I'm weird, that I need to get a life. But they will always be my heroes. They will always be the band that saved me."

Friday 8 February 2013

Updated :)

I just wanna say thanks for visiting ma blog. i know im not very good on blogging, nah .. just kidding.
Okay, lemme introduce myself. ma nems FARHANA LISA, lives in MALAYSIA ... (heres a pic of me ^^)

okay, i know im an ugly potato. well, i've fall in love with five boys from Britain and Ireland, just like another Directioners ...

I've got like ..... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ..... 6 directioner friends. they're pretty cool actually. im not gonna mention their name. its quite embarrassing here haha. i've got like 10+ bestfriends but the most i love is ... these four girls. well, im the one with cupcake face .

even we like to indignant with each other but we're still bestfriends. and i'll never forget this one ..
yup they're my bestfriends and this one too ..
they're the most awesome classmates i've ever known. they're all like my siblings .. we like to share stories together and lol and having a sad moments together, but the past is past. i've got new classmates yeah they pretty nice. well, i guess i'll stop here .. will tell more story in the next post. see ya.

Monday 5 November 2012


1. Nur Alyafaliha binti Hasni

My first Directioner friend. Okay, she's kind, cute and fangirling 1D too. LOL. She's a hard-working girl. Love to talk about Zayn all the time. If me and my friends talking, she'll came too us and says "Korang cakap pasal ape ni? Kalau korang cakap pasal ONE DIRECTION bagi tau aku tau." Haha. I LOVE HER. She's a Greysonator too.

2. Izyan binti Azmi
Directioner since 2011. I know Imma 'young' Directioner than her. She's clever, intellectual and beautiful too. Like to share about 1D's stories to us. She once says "Weh! Niall takde tatu kan? Okay! Kalau macam tu, aku suka Niall lah. Dia boleh masuk ISLAM" Nonsense words. But logical too. Aha.

3. Aishah Irdina binti Zainal

Okay. She is soo 'putih'. She's.. emm.... I don't know.... OkOk! She's a big fan of our CARROT KING. Carrot king? Who's that? LOL. It's a Directioner thing. Only Directioners knows about it. A bit crazy and insane. Sometimes quiet, but sometimes talkative. I wanna says something. It's a secret okay. Don't tell her. Actually, her lip looks like Lou lip. Eh! It's true okay. She could be the next 'MRS. TOMMO TOMLINSON'..... Ehehe.

4. Nur Mazlin Syafiqah binti Rosli

Ma' BFF. Very,very loud. Crazy about Justin Bieber, Liam Payne, CNU, G-D. Ughh.. She likes many people. Have a crush on ****. Likes to sing. Dia ni seorang yang takde mood yang stabil. Kadang marah. Lepastu bila marah, gelak-gelak. Macam-macam la dia nih -_-" Bila dia menangis, dia datang dekat aku. Friends help each other okay ! But, she the 'supporting' girl that I ever known. You can talk about everything with her especially about LOVE.

5. Nik Nurul Nabila binti Hashim

Hmm.. I like this girl. Actually, she's my favourite friend. A really, really shy girl. Like Zayn hah !. Love to sing with me. Little Thing ! Yeah !!! I've said to her "Weh Nik ! Hidung kau macam Zayn Malik lah". And then, she was like "Yeke ! Tak sangka pulak." She's started to 'kembang'. LOL. Sapelah yang tak kembang bila orang kata hidung or body parts dia yang lain sama macam Zayn ! But, I have another secret. Izyan looks like Niall Okay, you allz got that?

6. Nurul Afifah binti Zulkarnain

We call her 'special voice'. 'Cause her... voice. Yup, her voice. What's wrong with her voice? Suara dia sesuai untuk bahasa tamil dengan cina. Lol. Faham kan? She's a friendly girl. Likes children. A bit shy. An honest person. A couple of weeks ago, she said she like *****. And then she said she was kidding. A week afterwards, she said, she like ***** again. We thought she was kidding. And then she was like "Weh! Aku cakap betul-betullah. Aku tak tipu!" She's a very straight to the point person ^^"

7. Nur Syazana binti Razak

A pretty girl. Quiet girl. I love her. She's very sweet, kind, and .... bla,bla,bla. Love Liam James Payne. Have a crush. But I don't know who's her crush. She never tell me.. Hmmm... Pity me T.T it's okay..

8. Erea binti Razali

 She have a twin named Nadhirah. Last week, I paste two pictures at my 1d's book. On one of those picture, there's a picture of me, yayan, alya, chah and erea. At that picture written "Alya Malik""Izyan Horan""Aishah Tomlinson""Farhana Styles""Erea Tomlinson". I thought she likes Lou, so, I put Tomlinson after her name. And she came to me, she said "Farhana ! Kenapa kau letak TOMLINSON !!! Payne lah. Aku suka Liam Payne" Yelah mak cik oii..

  9. Muhammad Aiman bin Muhammad Ariff

My first boy directioner friend. Have a crush named Husna Izzati. Aiman! Aku harap kau suka balik dekat Husna ek? Aiman tak kesah kan?

10. Nur Izyan Farhani binti Ariffin

A brown eyes babe. Hmm.. I like her eyes.. A little bit annoying. Love to talk about her crush all the time. Likes to says "Weh! Kau tengok tak dia hari ni. Comelkan ? Comelnyer~" Tapi tu dulu. Now, her life have changed. A younger sister of  'Penolong Ketua Pengawas' named Nurin Farhani (Kak Uyin). A queen of 'Sakai~' and class.